Exhibiton at Kunterbunt

Exhibiton at Kunterbunt

One of my biggest art pieces is hanging at Kunterbunt in St. Gallen!

Kunterbunt is a place for creatives to implement new projects and workshops. When Joschua, the founder, first contacted me in January asking me to collaborate I was thrilled. He offered me to exhibit my work and to do a live painting, which was huge for me, since I just started publishing my art at the time. 

The first painting I exhibited was "Orange", a 80 x 100 cm canvas which I sold a few weeks later. So, I created a new and even bigger piece called "Squares" which is 100 x 120 cm big and now open to view at their new location at the Magnihalden 13 in St. Gallen. 

We are planning on doing some workshops and other cool stuff, so stay tuned! 

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